
1. The Fifth APEC High Level Policy Dialog on Agricultural Biotechnology, Feb. 25-27, 2006, 越南


报告人: 朱桢

报告题目: Introduction of Agricultural Biotechnology in China(特邀报告)


2. ESRC Genomics Research Forum,Mar. 20-25, 2006, Edinburgh, UK

报告人: 储成才

报告题目: Agrobiotechnology-the driving force for the next green revolution


3. 印度尼西亚金光集团林业研发部2006年年会, May15-20, 2006, Indonesia

报告人: 王斌

报告题目: Progress in the genomic research of forestry


4. International Conference on the Frontiers of Plant Biology, May 22-24, Changsha

报告人: 李家洋

报告题目: Roles of auxin in the regulation of plant architecture


5. International Conference on the Frontiers of Plant Biology, May 22-24, Changsha

报告人: 左建儒

报告题目: Interplay of cytokinin and light signaling


6. International Conference on the Frontiers of Plant Biology, May 22-24, Changsha

报告人: 曹晓风

报告题目: Epigenetic control of flowering time in Arabidopsis


7. International Conference on the Frontiers of Plant Biology, May 22-24, Changsha

报告人: 谢 旗

报告题目: Ubiquitination and ABA signaling


8. Genetically modified crop paying special attention to developing countries, May 26-28, 2006,

  Berlin Germany

报告人: 朱桢

报告题目: 讨论


9. 11th International Congress of Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology,Aug. 13-18, 2006,

 Beijing, China

报告人: 李家洋

报告题目: The molecular basis for designing super rice(特邀报告)


10. 11th International Congress of Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology, Aug. 13-18, 2006, Beijing,


报告人: 曹晓风

报告题目: Functional analysis of rice OsDCL1 and OsDCL4 in small RNA biogenesis


11. 11th International Congress of Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology, Aug. 13-18, 2006, Beijing,


报告人: 李传友

报告题目: Genetic dissection of jamonate-signaled plant defense responses to insect attack


12. 11th International Congress of Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology, Aug. 13-18, 2006, Beijing,


报告人: 朱桢

报告题目: Development and Biosafety Assessment of Insect-resistant Transgenic Rice


13. 8th International Congress of Plant Molecular Biology,Aug. 20-25, 2006,Adelaide, Australia

报告人: 曹晓风

报告题目: The role of OsDCL1 and OsDCL4 in miRNA and siRNA biogenesis and rice development


14. TWAS Medal Lecture, Sept. 5, 2006, Angra dos Reis,Brazil

报告人: 李家洋

报告题目: Towards the molecular designing of super rice.(特邀报告)


15. 3th International Congress of IGDB-TLL, Oct. 4-8, 2006, Singapore

报告人: 李家洋

报告题目: Recent progress in studying on rice tiller angle


16. 3th International Congress of IGDB-TLL, Oct. 4-8, 2006, Singapore

报告人: 朱桢

报告题目: 讨论


17. 3th International Congress of IGDB-TLL, Oct. 4-8, 2006, Singapore

报告人: 曹晓风

报告题目: The role of OsDCL1 and OsDCL4 in miRNA and siRNA biogenesis and rice development


18. 4th International Rice Functional Genomics Symposium, Oct. 9-11, 2006, Montpellier, France

报告人: 李家洋

报告题目: Understanding plant cell wall biosynthesis in rice(特邀报告)


19. The Kazusa Conference on Legume Genetics and Genomics in Asia, Nov. 27-28, 2006, Kisarazu,

   Chiba, Japan

报告人: 陈受宜

报告题目:Soybean Transcription factors and their responses to abiotic stresses


20. The Kazusa Conference on Legume Genetics and Genomics in Asia, Nov. 27-28, 2006, Kisarazu,

   Chiba, Japan


报告题目:Ethylene receptor signaling and plant stress responses


21. 中国海洋湖沼学会藻类学分会紫菜生物学学术研讨会,Jan. 16-18, 2006,南通

报告人: 王斌

报告题目: 紫菜TPS基因的克隆及转化水稻的研究


22. 第二届全国水稻突变体、功能基因和生物技术育种研讨会,Mar. 31-Apr. 2,海南陵水

报告人: 李家洋

报告题目: 水稻淀粉合成的分子机制


23. 第二届全国水稻突变体、功能基因和生物技术育种研讨会,Mar. 31-Apr. 2,海南陵水

报告人: 吴玉峰 (陈明生)

报告题目: 水稻基因组重复基因的进化


24. 第二届全国水稻突变体、功能基因和生物技术育种研讨会,Mar. 31-Apr. 2,海南陵水

报告人: 曹晓风

报告题目: Functional analysis of dicer like proteins in rice development


25. 2006中国植物逆境生理生态与分子生物学学术研讨会,July 6, 2006,新疆乌鲁木齐

报告人: 储成才

报告题目: Isolation and characterization of OsDREB1F involved in plant stress response


26. 2006中国植物逆境生理生态与分子生物学学术研讨会,July 6, 2006,新疆乌鲁木齐

报告人: 谢旗

报告题目: Arabidopsis ATAF1 is involved in ABA- dependent stress response


27. 2006中国植物细胞发育与分子生物学学术研讨会,Sept. 1, 2006,雅安

报告人: 谢旗

报告题目: Ubiquitination in stress signaling


28. 2006年诺贝尔奖获得者北京论坛,Sept. 5-7, 2006,北京

报告人: 朱桢(特邀报告)

报告题目: Application of Transgenic Techniques in Crops Breeding


29. 植物激素与绿色革命-香山会议,Oct. 18-20, 2006,北京

报告人: 谢旗

报告题目: 蛋白泛素化作用在植物中逆境信号传导中的调控作用


30. 植物激素与绿色革命-香山会议,Oct. 18-20, 2006,北京

报告人: 李传友

报告题目: 植物对环境适应性的激素调控